
"The way to understand power is by studying the silences where truth is not said is where power exercises its influence. "Robert Johnson

"very powerful people are telling us they're scared"

What are these very powerful people are scared of?

They are scared that the good people, the backbone of civilisation, the dependable, the predictable people of the planet earth will not rise to the challenge and try to help these very powerful people.  They are afraid these people will stand by and watch the chaos wash over by remaining silent.   These powerful people are not afraid of the ne'er do well's and criminals.  They have weapons, and tactical training to deal with those types.  They do not and never have had any say so over what good people think, feel or do.  Even criminals and ne'er do wells are afraid of good people because they have never had to develop any skill in dealing with them behaving any other why than predictable, and responsible.   

I am waiting for televisions shows to glamorize animal abuse, and child abuse.  The standard set by Robert Johnson silence is where power exercises influence. That means animal abusers and child abuser are some off the most powerful people on the planet.   

They could have a televised game show structured like American Idol.  Contestants can be given children and animals to abuse and Americans can pick their favorite.  Don't treat these powerful people like criminals treat them like hero's...Silent Hero's

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