
A dead guy hates the exact same people the media hates but no one seems to notice.

Q - How the John McCain week long Memorial become the Democrats Fantasy Free-for-all, with unlimited funds and resources?

A - Because they can.


Big O tires lime jello mold commercial

Dolphins McCain

Kung Fu Fighting - Godzilla

Let's Make this Official

When a person makes the claim to speak for people there should be a way to determine:

There are real people who need to be spoken for.
These real people have signed up officially to be spoken for. Which includes forfeiting their right to speak for themselves on specific topics.

I think part of the problem the modern world can't move past the rut. We want individuals to have freedom. It's obvious, a person speaking unofficially for a group of people lacks the necessary foundation for sustaining uniqueness.


New US anti-Russia sanctions Won't Effect NASA .(..to be continued)


The State Department, however, deemed it to be “essential to the national security interests of the United States” to waive sanctions on the export and re-export of products and technology that are needed for cooperation in space cooperation and civil-flight safety.


Dinosaur Fights (cartoon)

Check out purple Godzilla ride a bike causing mayhem 3:27 and again at 4:07
Watch dinosaurs sing and dance in the rain.
Learn the alphabet song. Blood, guts, and attitude.
The dancing rat at 13:25




My neighborhood

Out here my neighbors like to throw stuff over the back fence.
A few years back a guy was living in the shed behind the neighbor. He shit in a bag and tossed in the air into my tree.  A different neighbor threw a pipe bomb into my yard. The bomb squad shut down the neighborhood to retrieve it. The neighbor behind me has been throwing lots of crap over the fence. An ice chest someone crapped in, a pot someone pissed in...I know it's sounding like wash board song.
Here's a picture for the album cover. 
The one thing all these neighbors have in common....they smoke pot.

The band Social Distortion

Changed their band name to Ice Cream Social. Now they make videos of "hold me back" fights at organized neighborhood events. They'll be serving kool-aide in the Fall.


Harvey Levin OBJECTified...Life, Liberty, Levin Mark Levin


A nice format to the show. I'm not interested in many TV shows. I'm not even interested in the people Harvey interviews. I do like how it is calm and similar to a radio interview. Television is too frenetic and agitating for me to enjoy. This show is something I could watch based on how it is formatted. Thanks Harvey

Life, Liberty, Levin is much more aggressive but it stays grounded by not being antagonistic. I like the set too it's like a study not a performance arena. Thanks Mark


Putin dancing in Austria

 Wedding gifts included:
Kneissl and Meilinger a rural landscape painting, an antique butter churn, and a samovar – a tradition Russian water boiler used to make tea.

The video shows a celebration overlooking a beautiful valley.  I've talked to seniors who were living in Austria when the Nazi's took over.  This would have been a property that was seized because of it's perch on the terrain and ability to see in all directions.  It's good to be aware...however the celebration looked lovely and reminded me of...anyway it was a charming video.



Most often heard as chirping crickets

I'm waiting for the actual spoke person from any American Indian tribe USA to come out with an official statement on immigration. It has been far too long random unofficial spokespersons from the Wannabe tribe have been giving unofficial statements representing no one in particular. At the very least an official tribe could differentiate themselves from the Wannabes and ask for any claims made on their behalf to come from enrolled member similar to regulating the sales of American Indian art without an official number.

New Democrats want what Old Democrats want

The new democrats want what the old democrats have. They want it for everyone not just elected lawmakers.  It's access they want the ability to make rules and offer income enriching abilities.  It's not that they want to remove Nancy Pelosi from her position they want to mover her over so they can make access to business investments, and large properties, and funding for their kids to go to college.  They want to wear tailored clothes, have hair and makeup personell, security detail. They want to be interviewed on television and speak at fundraising luncheons. Like they see the Democrat lawmakers doing.  There aren't law preventing this.  They just need to be persuasive and set the right mood. Print money, shift the budgets, and require more from successful people.  Convince people who have at least 2 pennies in their pocket, those two cents are ill gotten gain.


Recipe: Impeach Cobbler 45

180 lbs of sour grapes
Spin 24 hours on biased media channels
Cover with taxpayer dough
Bake 2 hours on a hand rolled legal marijuana cigarette
Served chilled and aloof like you actually have an opinion
Enjoy like you are moments away from dramatic change.


Tuscan Sun Wrap


A Long Shot

You realize I don't have access to grant money to dress up in expensive clothes to make staged appearances, and talk about things I memorized that someone else wrote. 

A good demonstration about making choices

She's dressed like she wants to go in the water. She crawled over the bridge railing like she wants to go in the water.  She changed her mind about going into the water that way.  Her choice. 
Another person forced their will upon her.  

Teen pushed off Moulton Falls bridge Yacolt, Washington


Fluorescent light tubes

The trouble with fluorescent light tubes. They last such a long time the world changes between light bulb changes.  The new color is more than just illumination for the kitchen it evokes the feeling of last light of day. Much like our pre-electricity ancestors experienced.  The sun light dimming signaling the end of the day.  I'm sure these bulbs are only available in hardware stores near peasant communities.  Last light of day all day.  It's not as bad as the seizure inducing flicker of a dying tube light that created the feeling of a torch lit cave.

Does Your Chewing Gum Lose its Flavor


I see a new decorating trend

Make yourself look really important. Wall paper a wall in your house with image's of stacked boxes with your name replacing Kavanaugh's