
For Cinderella the shoe had to have the perfect fit, she ran away from the truth and it found her.
Goldie Locks tried until she found what was just right for, but had to abandon that reality or become dinner. 
Little Red Riding Hood made judgement calls she acted as if everything was normal even though things were amiss. 
All three are lovely stories to convey useful ideas. 
Knowing your place within a social setting.
Don't get too comfortable no matter how comfortable you are.
Use your judgement while being graceful.
Yesterday I got into a conversation about art. The current use of big eyed emotionless characters seems Byzantine to me. Imagery that creates a nightmarish place to play with ideas. Laws put maturity ratings on movies, video games, and music. Lacking is the discussion about the essence of imagination and how it should be protected, and what should be protected. Protected not by laws, protected by each individual. Knowing what you are giving up to take on a different reality.

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