
Psst California it's not a drought it's the desert.


 noun \ˈdrat\ 
a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired

The amount of water that passes through a water meter is calculated.  The amount of water that passes through the drainage system can be calculated.  The amount of water that soaks into the ground, and the amount of water that is evaporated into the air can be statistically measured.  My understanding of science is there is no more or no less water within the planet earth system.  The amount of water here is constant in a combination of it's three forms liquid, gas, solid.  Unless someone has come up with a way to permanently prevent hydrogen and oxygen atoms from combining, I don't understand the issue. Just because the Government incorporates a city, puts in greenbelts and irrigation it can't change a leeward plot of land to a windward plot of land with a zone designation through the planning commission.  However the Government can make laws that punish you for using too much water, and not enough water.  As if civilization rests on the balance of every citizen using their prescribed daily ration of water.  In the future there will be a meter put on your drain to make sure you are sending water back to the facility, or you pay a fine for allowing it to percolate into the soil.  I don't know of any private citizens that can build a high density house development without an approval of a Government agency.  How does this issue become a shared dilemma when the Government is in entire control of where building is allowed. Oh wait I'm not being entirely fair there is a public platform where the public can speak for 3 precisely timed minutes.

California's new motto "Stop thinking we will do that for you."

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