
"Hey Lolly Lolly"

what do Code Pink and Abourezk and Obama and govt protection have in common?
-let’s repeat, what is connected to Abourezk, is AIM’s protection and safety for their staged event in Wounded Knee 2, and the unsolved murders of Wounded Knee 2, and of the unsolved murder of Alex Odey
-Abourezk always has a comment strongly enforced by alleged lies, and he has the ear of the President of the U.S.
-the truth is hidden but in plain sight, stop looking in the direction he points to, why?
-because American born patriots who love their country can look in any direction they like, they can wake up, and they can fight, and they can win
-what was done in Indian country is now being done to Americans

Woody Guthry- Hey Lolly Lolly

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