
predicting the ambiguity of foreknowledge

 I didn't know what I was witnessing at the time these incidents happened. I still don't understand what I was being shown. Seperate occasions and involving different people. It is the similarities that I'm now remembering.

One instance I arrived at work went to put my belongings into the locker I happened to notice someone cleared out the refrigerator. At the top were several slices of pizza. I clocked in and went about my work day. I went on break, a coworker came into the break room and happily told me there is some pizza in the fridge. She was extremely happy telling me.  

The other incident at a different work place. I noticed a coworker pulled a paper towel out of the trash can. He smoothed it out. I got distracted by something work related. Later the guy with the paper towel is offering to share slice of orange with me. It was sitting on a paper towel. Looked like the one he had removed from the trash can. He was very eager to share his snack.

One more story. I was at school. I had noticed someone had put leftover cake into the trash can next to a table in a common area outside the classroom.  At break I noticed a guy eating the cake. He asked if wanted some. 

Each time had I not seen the items first inside the trash can. I would have figured I was dealing with human kindness.  Because of the common intial encounter (knowing where an item had been) I was forced into a thought dilemma. None of this was I prepared to deal with. I didn't know how to sort through the thoughts it brought up. Not only did the behavior repeat itself in different people.  Each time I was shown the oddity very clearly.  

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