
It was spoken and suddenly it wasn't

I was in a situation with a group of people. When I wasn't around they spoke out me being irrepairbaly mental ill.  Recently I was in regular contact with this group and the conversation was always controlled, minimal, and repetitive. Even though the conversation was repetitive the information was insufficient in details to create a visual understanding of what was actually being spoken about.  8 months of this brought to the surface a truth. This truth got dumped on me to sort through.  I am now expected to understand. The problem from my stand point is I'm expected to understand without anyone having to say one word about what is happening, what happened, or didn't happen. I'm to continue being around this group of people who don't want to hear me say anything. Don't want me around them. I'm supposed to be subject to whatever whim the group feels entitled to. I don't think it is too much to ask this group to model for me how to do this. I'm wanting them to demonstrate their standards for me. I want them to show me a working model of how this functions. From the outside it is easy enough to point a finger at me and call me difficult.  I find their silence on the matter no different than being in a conversation with them talking about nothing.  
The bigger picture is there is no reason to change anything when the group is getting all their needs met. The only reason to include me in the group is to ignore me. 

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