
Japanese guy pulls a tapeworm out of his butthole and uses it as a jump rope

I just saw a headline that said Ryuho Okawa replaced Milo Yiannopoulos as a speaker at CPAC.  If you like that you might also like:

JZ Knight
Ram Dass
Pat Rodegast

Kermit Gosnell to speak at. Ted Talks and World Economic Forum in Spring 2017.

***A happy scientist would know a tapeworm won't hold up to the rigours of jump roping.***


Share the stage

Astronotus ocellatus aka oscar

No entertainer would. 
That is what security is for.
Without an audience they wouldn't exist.
Audiences have rights and should be allowed equal time in the spotlight, on stage, backstage, the dressing room, the ride to the venue. Spread the ideology equally to everything.  Those barriers used for crowd control are oppressive. We are all stars.  Each word from any show should be said from random people. No one person should be allowed to say every world in a presentation. It should represent every language as well. People don't realize how oppressed they are. We should all be equally confused. The people should be allowed access to all after parties too.  Invitation only.  Secret locations. This needs to stop. 
Everyone should be allowed to attend. 
No boundaries. 
Put an end to entertainment oppression. 
Join the Share the Stage movement.
Put an end to elitist entertainment.


When I think of Los Angeles

One of my coworkers said he was visiting L.A. over the weekend.  When I think of Los Angeles I think of angry people.  Crowds of bad manners. People crapping in greenbelt planters.  When I think of Los Angeles I think of riots, protests.  Angry people that love being angry.  People that love to have hurt feelings. People that want to cause trouble because for them that is fun.  People who love to be led astray.  When I think of Los Angeles I think of people who like to pretend.  They pretend so exquisitely they forget they are fake.  I see the images but I can't feel any connection to  the things that are there.  I deliver the L.A. Times newspaper once a week.  Living in the Inland Empire I feel distant from other parts of California.  Like no one wants to admit the I.E. is part of California.  Like this is some dirty little secret.

Milo Yiannopoulos should sing a gay version of the song.

Benny Mardones Into the Night 1980

Benny Mardones Into the Night
rereleased 1989

remember you are dust

palm fronds+fire=ashes


Norma and her shallow relationship with Gloria

Gloria's career summed up here beautifully.
Standing before a crowd, microphones. Lights. A circumstantial victim.
Gloria really has a knack for finding and capturing circumstantial victims.


The Patrick Madrid Show, Feb. 21, 2017 – Hour 3

I heard this on the radio Tuesday morning thought i'd share it.

Immaculate Heart Radio podcast 


two stories that should be looked at:

2017 shouldn't bury these discussions, but kept in the headlines permanently.
Milo speaks frankly about gay culture, suddenly everyone shocked Read more at:


Kermit Gosnell to Will Smith: There'd Be No 'Men in Black' if I Had 'Dropped You on Your Head'


Archbisop Cruz punched during Mass

Two camera angles during a Mass...hmmm...Will the story ever get sorted out...


Work ethic in 2017

The current American work ethic is a mindset of employees imagining they are on vacation. Customers are viewed, like an inconvenience to a tourist at a vacation paradise.  Murmurs and outraged demands "Do something about these pests immediately".  Depending on the field of work some employees imagine they are part of a fun house. Their duties include frightening and confusing customers.  Some work environments are open mic night for wannabe comedians. The customers treated as real or imagined provocative hecklers.  The underlying concept shaping the point of view of the employee is:  I have a job at this precise moment and in this space and time you as a customer don't.  Therefore the employee feels morally superior and the world belongs to them.  It will benefit the consumer immensely to grasp the concept while navigating the ever changing social expectation requiring modern compliance.

Dwight Twilley I'm on Fire

Musing poverty whiteness and the dangers evoked


Elton John has a fav picture of a small girl that looks tormented.
What is awakened when curious types wonder about the nature of white people?  It is so horrible no one wants to poke at it with a 10' pole.  The closest Mrs. John will get to it is a 80 year old photograph.  So what is it that has the entire universe terrified?  Are you morbidly curious enough to pick up that stick and inquisitively poke.  No? I didn't think so.  The giant stone blocking that corridor will be put back into place. Until some brave soul is righteous enough to discern this uncharted territory.
Mr. John most likely sent out a drunken tweet. He's been trying to concoct a believable reason for musing about whiteness. I'm sure he'll go into hiding until the death threats subside.





Not only was a large crowd descending on the priory, but with the people came many disagreeable signs, shirts, and hats, some of which had messages that were anti-Catholic, pro-abortion, vulgar, or even pornographic. Nevertheless, those carrying or wearing these things had the courtesy to cover them up. The fervor that may have animated the large crowd did not go so deep as to make people oblivious or rude to flesh-and-blood humans.




Making fun of elected officials and their families.

This is a curious and troubling issue.  The taxpayers should be allowed to poke fun at any and all elected officials.  I'll even include famous people and their families as well. Screw them they should be laughed at or admired based on public opinion.

However here is a deeply disturbing incident that should concern everyone in the U.S.A
 Creepy teachers talking about their students:


Beseeching letters to the President

Mr. President, 

We are having a great time at camp.  Please send money.
Signed your loving constituent,

Neil R. Portnow 

Mr. President,

We are now convinced (JFK) politician made climate change is real and it sure is scary.  All our pocket change is tried up in the Wabash Cannonball.  Golly gee you wouldn't want us to fall into the ocean now would ya?  For the love of God send money.
Signed the self appointed King,

 Edmund G Brown Jr. the II


I dare you to watch this CNN interview:

In 1997 Larry King interviewed Tina Turner.
In this video Tina Turner tries to tell Larry King he shouldn't make a joke.  In my opinion she missed what he was saying.  He was playing on her ego about herself and not making a religious joke but anyway.  They both agreed good faiths, strong believers, can in fact laugh. (yeah sure right Larry and Tina)  You will hear Tina Turner talk about what fun she had with the Rolling Stones.  Including how Mick Jagger would walk into dressing rooms without knocking.   (Wow what fun, how fantastic, a famous guy getting away with it sounds really familiar).  Larry King put the glorious cherry on top of the interview by proclaiming himself to be a reincarnated Jewish slave and Tina was once his master. 

 Hurry up, go paint a cardboard sign about the horrible politics of the day.  Socially Engineered flubs, failures, and falsehoods.  Keep pretending like you aren't pretending.  
you seem to be enjoying yourselves.

start at 12:07

laugh at your deeply held religious beliefs
famous people can get away with anything they want


Drivemocion LED Car Sign



Judy Garland molested by munchins on Wizard of Oz set ((FAKE news))

A silly headline everyone in the news media knows the only sexual molestation's that have taken place in the history of the world have been by Catholic priests.  Now someone is going to profit off  a book blaming a marginalized group.  My guess is that isn't what the book is about, but who decided to make that the headline. (entertainment industry)

The way the entertainment industry and the news media want people to think.  We get three options:
  1. The most ridiculous 
  2. The entertainment Industry is run by perfect angels
  3. Everyone except you gets along harmoniously with everyone they meet


other people's money

Trying to make it seem like some organic process happens.  You know the story:

 I was walking down the street minding my own business when I stepped in a pile of dog doo it smeared into the tread of my shoes.  Next thing I know I have money and...

(yeah right sure)

The difference you know

When you take what's there.  When you make the most of it.  When you rearrange to make things seem different.  When you know what your hiding.  When you realize the difference you know.


Zombie crossing

Yesterday in Hemet I saw a truck driving around with plastic (halloween props) hanging down from the under carriage, I assume with wire.  Severed arms and legs. It looked like a political statement.  Lots of vehicles display the common theme of waiting for the zombie apocalypse.  Residents in the area seem to relish the idea it could come at any moment.