
I'm writing a book titled Hollywood Normal

This as nothing to do with the book but since it was such a perfect demonstration of what defines Hollywood Normal.  I used it as a writing exercise to develop one of the chapters.

Peter Fonda said to put a child into a cage with pedophiles.  For anyone who has ever been victimized by a sexual predator that is terrifying.  Why is it okay to make light of a serious situation.  To anyone who has ever been taken advantage of by someone in that manner knows the devastation and the looming fear that stays.  He could have just said put the child into a cage with strangers. That he added pedophile over all the other word choices takes the comment into a disturbing arena.  His comment makes it seem like by command a pedophile can be created out of thin air and be set on attack mode. Which for many victims that is what it feels like. The sadness of knowing children are being abused by people who Peter Fonda appointed a hero in his delusional Hollywood addled reality.  The victims of abuse, and the victimizers used like scripted dialogue to play pretend.  To use his Hollywood created platform and mix up psychological imagery in an attempt to hide his own maladjusted personality, says much about Peter Fonda. Under the influence of Hollywood Peter Fonda can pretend he is important. The fact that Peter Fonda is incapable of adult conversation makes me wonder how much he was paid to post that scripted non sense.  If that is honestly how Peter Fonda thinks I want to know how many pedophiles he has access to that react on command to his whims? Is Peter Fonda wanting to know what is being done to prevent immigrant children from being put into the hands of pedophiles.  Out of genuine concern that would be a reasonable question.

What about a parent and family who has had a child murdered by a sexual predator. Do they matter?  Are they allowed to feel rage about Peter Fonda's ignorance. Does that apology extended to them?

The real conversation will not materialize as long as the only people who are heard shouldn't be talking in the first place.

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