
A turning point, a moment of clarity, you be the judge.

For me and from my point of view I could clearly see the future had finally arrived.  The humorous story line of my yesterday was being called a bitch and and asshole by two different customers, two different genders, two different generations.  I was glowing with accomplishment.  Both of their arguements were rendered worthless by technology.  The security camera, the time stamp and login of the the point of sale terminal.  Right in front of each customer I followed proceedure and each thought they could twist facts and manipulate with emotion.  The guy 20 something who called me a bitch was practically in tears as he tired to divert from the fact he was stuffing merchandise into his pockets.  He said "I didn't do this to my skin I have lupus." As I walked him to the door I told him don't come back. He told me to shut up as he lunged at me.  He challenged me by walking back in the store.  He said call the police.  Which I did.  He walked away backing down from his bravado.

The older woman that called me an asshole is barely worth recounting.  Basically she was greedy and selfish.  She had no trouble backing up the line of 12+ customer to demand her cheap assed crazy demands were met.  

Oh I just remembered another charming incident. A mom sends her young son up to buy spray paint. I said I can't sell it to anyone under 18.  Pyscho mom is crouching on the next aisle waiting to pounce.  She jumps out and demands justice for her child.  It goes without saying it was a charity fuck that impregnated her.

I've gotten off topic.  The facts can be established quickly and people can still rely on old world tactics of threats, and emotional pleas.  What they don't understand as an employee I'm required to follow certain guidelines that will be questioned if an incident needs to be investigated.   I'm going to cover my behind and the electronic record will back up my version of events.

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