
Katie Hill resigns


Pelosi Statement on Resignation of Congresswoman Katie Hill
OCTOBER 27, 2019 

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after Congresswoman Katie Hill announced her resignation:
“Congresswoman Katie Hill came to Congress with a powerful commitment to her community and a bright vision for the future, and has made a great contribution as a leader of the Freshman Class.  She has acknowledged errors in judgment that made her continued service as a Member untenable.  We must ensure a climate of integrity and dignity in the Congress, and in all workplaces.”

New Trend in beards

The henna dipped beard made popular after death of austere scholar.


Maidenhairhair Fern takes a picture

The plant now plans to make a movie called 'Vegan'. It's a horror film about humans growing plants to cook, and sometimes eat raw.

Read the Camera Operating Fern Story here:

Plant Disparaging Movie from 1978:


A disabled man living on the 2nd floor???

The video is about the news station helping him resolve a credit card charge dispute.

Okay Okay but why is a disabled senior having to live in a second floor apartment?  
Why, why, why?


As you know people are required by law to answer Census questions.  People can be miserable anywhere, for any reason.  BusinessInsider.com probably got a research grant to write this article.  The logic of people who think they are better than others needs to be picked apart.
Fact check: There is No link to the data they used.


Editor's Note: We have updated the story headline to make clear that the ranking was based on US census data, and included a link to the data in the story.



I Drink Your Blood 1971
Typical fears of the 70s movie, satanist, lsd, and rabies.

Night of the Demon 1980
Bigfoot is a low budget killing machine. The van kill was in line with the scary stories neighborhood kids would tell and retell. The sleeping bag spin was when I realized I was watching the entire movie.