
Not the future I imagined

1...Transportation Hub in Hemet


2...Making it illegal to work on your vehicle

2a...Making it impossible to get gasoline for personal use.
I know it sounds far fetched in 2017 but what happened to payphones that used to be around town.

3....Consumer Affairs complaints about Tesla

The positive reviews are the winning entries to the: Over The Top Poetry contest Tesla sponsored for their employees. The employees who don't have drivers licenses, (because cars pollute and are icky).

Hemet presents the transportation hub like the citizens (peasantry) has a say in what is coming.  I can't find humor in this part of the idiotic charade.  Claiming this is 15 years in the making must have been a quote for the audience sitting in the cheap seats.  I remember 30 years ago a property sold in the area where the hub is being planned. The house was sold and torn down because the hospital was expanding and the residential area was going to be turned into a hospital zone.

Way back in the last century I went to a meeting in Redlands with a city Mayor. The presentation was about eliminating vehicles from city limits.  Building giant city centers with mixtures of residential and business and creating pathways through tree groves and parks.  Where people would walk, to shop, or work, or school.  It was all based on the premise that humans are good kind and gentle beings.

So now we have Tesla being presented as revolutionizing the auto industry by building a car that looks like a car.  I don't know about anyone else but to me building a hovering vehicle would be revolutionizing the industry. Building an expensive golf cart and calling it a car is not earth shattering news. Hover craft or teleportation, now that would be taking things to a new dimension.  Tesla sounds like it is being run by the same doofy mindset that brought us Pay Pal.  The same people who ease their guilt by generously tipping the peasantry.

I'll continue to keep my interest focused on true matters.  Like where will the Japanese dispose of the melted reactor cores their robots found.  Silcon Valley is creating toxic waste.  Silcon Valley has been using sweatshop labor and never gets hyper analyzed.  The elites want interstate travel to be a luxury for them alone. The peasantry can live within the beautifully landscaped prison impound yards called cities.  Not the future I imagined.

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