
Los Angeles county psycologist

I'm wondering about the quality of care people in need of mental health are getting. Especially when I see the high number of street people with obvious signs of being traumatized. This guy is County staff.   He mailed poop wrapped like a Christmas present and has a God complex. The Department of Mental Health apparently is as rotten as the entertainment industry. I pray for the people who have been traumatized by the nonsense. A travesty.


Fucked up artists who peddle their so called music in churches at Christmastime

Oh yeah I forgot you all hate Christians 100 times more then anything on the planet.  


Posing with a Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear coat
Teddy Bear trousers
Teddy Bear beard
Teddy Bear trash digging
Teddy Bear hibernating
Teddy Bear tree climbing
Teddy Bear hiker chasing
Teddy Bear campground destroying
Teddy Bear tranq. dart because he scared the neighborhood
Teddy Bear 40 mph gold medal winning runner
Teddy Bear extinction in California

Eat their salmon they'll eat your babies fair trade


Christmas trends for 2017

Nativity scenes are in this year.
Antlers and a red nose to make a car look like a reindeer. This one scares me.  The amount of hit and run accidents has become too common.


Queens of the Stone Age dose of reality

It's been so long since music has created anything real.  It's a shock, no not the kick, but that this group identified reality was missing in their music.


Arthur Brown has a message for the dribble dick Jerry Brown

Jerry Brown's says: We will continue to allow zone changes for poorly planned housing tracts in California.  Forseen disasters are the new normal in California

Arthur Brown sings Fire

Fire, to destroy all you've done.
Fire, to end all you've become.
I'll feel you burn

Watch him sing it: https://youtu.be/NOErZuzZpS8

Fire up the hill from me right now


You can qualify to be California Stupid contact the Registrar of Voters to sign up today

Now, if you steal somebody’s car, instead of going to jail, you may just be issued a citation. Driving a vehicle you legally own over the speed limit could literally result in a larger fine than stealing somebody else’s ride.
Maybe it’s a clever, back-door way of fighting childhood obesity. “Johnny, why do you keep sitting in front of that TV playing Grand Theft Auto indoors when you could be out in the warm sunshine stealing actual cars?!”


The Affordable Care Act is in fact land grab


Estate Recovery

Excerpt: "... a state may recover any assests
of the deceased recipient" (to help recover costs
for medical assistance provided by the government)


Good Night Hillary

Every time the media puts Hillary on to the television I say: "Good Night Hillary."

Good Night Hillary

'The Walton's' style

Gretchen Carlson - Turkish Viagra - $20 Million Dollars

Gretchen vs Greta

You my have won the $20 Million jack off  pot.
You lose when it comes to appearing concerned.
Go on and eat that dick-cle on a park bench in Central Park during a unseasonable cold front, whatever it takes to stop you from talking, and typing. 
You can always go home and get warm after the photo op. 


Two Horrifying Stories... Extra Extra...yuck

Human Feces

Home security camera catches Amazon driver pooping in driveway

By Ben Hooper  |  Dec. 1, 2017 at 10:31 AM


How often do unauthorized persons have access to food in restaurant kitchens in the USA.(Keep in mind a strain of hepatitis was linked to a San Diego restaurant that was connected to homeless migration between Los Angeles and San Diego)

Man finds Waffle house staff sleeping. Cooks his own meal.



Pocahontas on the warpath (CNN the embarassment of lib. narrative)

Elizabeth Warren says "My grandma was a Cherokee Princess"

Elizabeth Warren 'really couldn't believe' Trump's 'Pocahontas' comment

US destroyer damaged by transport ship

To think there are r-tards out there wanting us to be transported in driverless cars. And they can't get across the ocean without a collison. 


The Affordable Care Act roles out the 2018 mandates early Kill Whitey

Everyone remembers pajama guy.
Here's the new ACA poster for the Kill Whitey mandate.

Bringin' Home The White Boy
The Other White Meat
Free range fed the finest organic fruits and veggies.
Lean meat. Ample exercise.
You'll be getting the highest quality white person before it had a chance to go on a murderous rampage, conquest, or embezzlement scheme.  
You can help bring peace on earth by eating a white person.




Who packaged those realities?

Remember when the Mel Gibson was the hollywould bad guy?
Remember when only Catholic priests were pedofiles?
Remember when Ronald Reagan was the antichrist?

Remember when white people were the one true evil?  You don't need to remember this one since this has yet to be debunked. In fact this has gotten more true. How could it be truth getting more true. I don't know either but thar it is.

The Pope

When the Pope speaks it sounds like he is addressing 10th century peasants. Now I know why. 

Hitler's völkisch fantasies were derived from 10th-century thinkers who had produced a number of ... to the Urals, which the Volk could fill with peasant farmers (once the Slavs had been exterminated. ) 


 Ratlines were a system of escape routes for Nazis and other fascists fleeing Europe at the end of World War II. These escape routes mainly led toward havens in Latin America, particularly Argentina


Tom Herck targets a minority

This (supposed) art is saying.  The world is becoming overpopulated with dimwits that don't know how to form opinions. They just know how to eat, poop, have sex, and kill. 

The artist asks: Who's going to fund my other ridiculous ideas since I'm unable to speak plainly.  Keep in mind tattoos are expensive and I like to travel to nonChristian places.


a cruciform cow has been erected as art at the center of a consecrated Catholic church. 

Catholics came to pray and demonstrate in front of the religious building where occasional Masses are still read, 

the Flemish are no longer interested in “insufferably tedious Masses.”

contemporary art, by far the most important part of an opus resides in the “discourse” – or, more appropriately, gibberish – that surrounds it


10 cent grocery bag

This morning on my way to work.  I saw a guy on a bmx bike riding toward Hemet from a demonically controlled portion of the 215 freeway carrying a grocery bag.  It had the soul of Charlie Manson inside.  He was planning to give it to one of the derelicts in town.


Jerry Brown

Dear Govenor,

Please attach the following memo to any and all forms of government subsidy payments to the person's you love more than life itself:

When using a public restroom flush toilet paper in the toilet. Do not dispose of in the small trash container in the stall those are for used women's menstrual cycle products.

Sincerely your Loving Benefactor,

Mr. (irony in a name) Brown

Taxes Brought Down The Roman Empire, And They'll Do The Same To America


Evidence politicians don't live in the real world.


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  • Enough
  • Already

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        After they stole the commuter lanes we taxpayers paid for for 20-25 years and handed them over to a for profit company, NO WAY IN HELL EVER AGAIN!!!!!

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          Tax Tax Tax is that all you democrats know how to do? Cervantes and Roth both took Browns bribe of money back to new cities in their districts that Brown stole from them. So we now have a shiney new gas tax, on top of our shiney new sales tax to trim trees, and now they want even more in sales taxes! Well you all can just KISS MY GRITS! Take it from the 12 cent gas tax where its supposed to come from.

          • Avatar

            I for one don't care if they almost max their yearly budgets. That is the way it should be. If every year they have excess someone isn't budgeting correctly and they are over taxing us for their yearly needs.

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                It's far past time to start clearing the decks on the commissions. Taxes are too high already and they want to add more? Um yeah no thanks. Let's see some real world improvements before you come back to the taxpayers for more.

                  • Avatar

                    drain the swamp in Riverside , start with these two swamp turds no more taxation without representation .

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                        $0.70 more per gallon coming at the pump in addition to the tax increase you got just got slapped with...
                        when will you so-called "progressives" in California get a clue? Sorry to burst your bubble but that's not progress, that's regression, and you are a complete joke!!

                          • Avatar

                            Just remember in Riverside, Jose Medina voted to raise your taxes, and Mark takano VOTED to raise your taxes, and they will continue to do so.
                            Economically Clueless, get rid of them.

                              • Avatar

                                So all you RAT Bottom Feeders are the ones voting for this ignorant crap???
                                NO wonder RAT infested California is such a mess!

                                • Avatar

                                  Things were fine the way they were! Always trying to screw the people! And they do it with ease!

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                                      I would vote no if it came to a vote.At least they are going for a vote instead of backdoor dealing and imposing a tax on us like the Democrats did.Vote to repeal the gas tax

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                                          WHy not? Stupid voters seem to love 'em!