Lawmakers make lawbreakers?
BARSTOW: State announces new recycling fraud case
The headline is wrong
The headlne should be Elites Never Have to Wait in Airport for Flight Home. Even When the Entire System has been Grounded.
EV's have one purpose. To prevent regular people from having access to gasoline
Don’t look so smug: Your Tesla might be worse for the environment than a gas car
Read more:
A turning point, a moment of clarity, you be the judge.
For me and from my point of view I could clearly see the future had finally arrived. The humorous story line of my yesterday was being called a bitch and and asshole by two different customers, two different genders, two different generations. I was glowing with accomplishment. Both of their arguements were rendered worthless by technology. The security camera, the time stamp and login of the the point of sale terminal. Right in front of each customer I followed proceedure and each thought they could twist facts and manipulate with emotion. The guy 20 something who called me a bitch was practically in tears as he tired to divert from the fact he was stuffing merchandise into his pockets. He said "I didn't do this to my skin I have lupus." As I walked him to the door I told him don't come back. He told me to shut up as he lunged at me. He challenged me by walking back in the store. He said call the police. Which I did. He walked away backing down from his bravado.
The older woman that called me an asshole is barely worth recounting. Basically she was greedy and selfish. She had no trouble backing up the line of 12+ customer to demand her cheap assed crazy demands were met.
Oh I just remembered another charming incident. A mom sends her young son up to buy spray paint. I said I can't sell it to anyone under 18. Pyscho mom is crouching on the next aisle waiting to pounce. She jumps out and demands justice for her child. It goes without saying it was a charity fuck that impregnated her.
I've gotten off topic. The facts can be established quickly and people can still rely on old world tactics of threats, and emotional pleas. What they don't understand as an employee I'm required to follow certain guidelines that will be questioned if an incident needs to be investigated. I'm going to cover my behind and the electronic record will back up my version of events.
Christmas tree
Every year a tree is decorated along the Highway at entrance to town. It's a different tree each time. There is usually a few handmade items mixed with store bought decorations. It always makes me happy the first time I see the tree. I get to see it each time I go to and from town.
Shop Your Way® as a hunter gatherer
A 23-year-old woman was subdued by an electronic stun gun and taken for a mental health hold after she tried to attack a customer with a steak knife at a Riverside K-Mart.
The incident occurred shortly after 8:30 a.m. Sunday at the K-Mart shopping center at 3001 Iowa Avenue, said John Freese, an assistant chief for UC Riverside's police department.
Freese said Sgt. Anthony Zamora from UC Riverside's police was at a nearby Farmer Boys restaurant when someone told him there was a knife-brandishing woman chasing someone inside the store.
Zamora made his way into the K-Mart where he reportedly saw the woman, steak knife in hand, trying to get to the customer.
The customer was trying to block the woman with a shopping cart, and the woman was climbing over the cart, Freese said.
People who know me well like to tease me about being paranoid. So i have a weird neighbor that likes to play games. She tired telling me someone was parked right near my gate not long after my family and I left for a few hours. So i figured she watches to see when we all get in the car. So next time we left everyone got in the car outside of her window view. When i backed out i saw her looking out her window. She couldn't see in because the window tint. The next day she puts a sign in the window saying smile you're on camera.
The public(consumers) is/are 10 times worse than any conspiracy theory one can muster about corporations. Consumers approach retail like they are doing battle with a formidable foe. Their secret weapon is complaining. I want your name. I want to speak to a manager. Your other store does such and such. It's easy at the end of your shift to feel like you are a mean heartless bitch. The thing that doesn't add up is how come if the majority of customers have passed through in a day are conscientious, well balanced adults why are products strewn around like a magnitude 8 earthquake shook the building? Why do the public restrooms have unflushed poop in the toilet.? Toilet paper with poop on it thrown in the trash can. Bits and pieces of paper towel and toilet paper littering the floor. Cigarette butts inside a no smoking (it's california) building.
Anyhow I'm still fuming about a number of compounded incidents from the past several days. Most are caused by not fully understanding the matter at hand. People like to pretend they know or act like they don't know interchangebly to get their way. A woman waits in line and tells me 'They said you would change the price on this item.' When I inquired who said what, no one answered. Finally the head manager says find out if the price online is accurate and if so change it. I asked the customer to show me the date on the ad. She fumbles with her phone looses the page and suddenly acts like she can't opetate her own phone. She tells me to work her phone. I don't want to touch the dirty screen on her phone nor should I have to. So she goes back through the process and opens the page. I can't determine anything so I try to over ride the price. Our system prevents it. She is upset and tells me I sound like I don't want to give her the discount. I show her the screen. I said I tired look and see it stopped me. She said you are usually helpful. I said what can I do to make you happy? She said nothing. Am i done here? She left. She called 10 minutes later to get my name. Asked to speak to a manager was put on hold hung up twice called back and asked for the name of the person who put her on hold. She was going to have a long list of names to complain about. Not realizing how loony she was going to sound. She couldn't get the deal she thought so she was going to complain we were meanies.
(I went home looked online the deal she wanted said online only)
Next problem a customer was trying to return something she didn't buy. I asked her no less than 5 times if she looked physically in the bag? To which she would say either i only bought such and such or i already have lots of that i dont need more. Playing word games was fun for her she was having a great time. I was done dealing with her 2 days ago. She pulled her money to pay and had a stack of hundred dollar bills. Nothing made sense. She was returning an item to get back $2.00. She spent over hundred dollars 2 days before. I don't know how she made her money. I don't care that she wanted her two dollars back. She was irritating and i didn't like dealing with her.
I think I've reached my limit with this job and need to find something else?
Anyhow I'm still fuming about a number of compounded incidents from the past several days. Most are caused by not fully understanding the matter at hand. People like to pretend they know or act like they don't know interchangebly to get their way. A woman waits in line and tells me 'They said you would change the price on this item.' When I inquired who said what, no one answered. Finally the head manager says find out if the price online is accurate and if so change it. I asked the customer to show me the date on the ad. She fumbles with her phone looses the page and suddenly acts like she can't opetate her own phone. She tells me to work her phone. I don't want to touch the dirty screen on her phone nor should I have to. So she goes back through the process and opens the page. I can't determine anything so I try to over ride the price. Our system prevents it. She is upset and tells me I sound like I don't want to give her the discount. I show her the screen. I said I tired look and see it stopped me. She said you are usually helpful. I said what can I do to make you happy? She said nothing. Am i done here? She left. She called 10 minutes later to get my name. Asked to speak to a manager was put on hold hung up twice called back and asked for the name of the person who put her on hold. She was going to have a long list of names to complain about. Not realizing how loony she was going to sound. She couldn't get the deal she thought so she was going to complain we were meanies.
(I went home looked online the deal she wanted said online only)
Next problem a customer was trying to return something she didn't buy. I asked her no less than 5 times if she looked physically in the bag? To which she would say either i only bought such and such or i already have lots of that i dont need more. Playing word games was fun for her she was having a great time. I was done dealing with her 2 days ago. She pulled her money to pay and had a stack of hundred dollar bills. Nothing made sense. She was returning an item to get back $2.00. She spent over hundred dollars 2 days before. I don't know how she made her money. I don't care that she wanted her two dollars back. She was irritating and i didn't like dealing with her.
I think I've reached my limit with this job and need to find something else?
Yes yes I'm hysterical. But where do I put that on my resume?
Seems to work well for getting ahead.
Entitlement and social classness
My posts are becoming a vent for strange human encounters. There is a never ending supply. Perhaps it's just me that is strange.
Yesterday at work I'm helping a customer a woman interrupts and asks a half sentence question. I think i understood and pointed her toward the product. A few minutes later she is back grumbling to her husband that I didn't send her in the right direction. I heard him said "but that is what you asked for." I tired to say I misunderstood what you wanted. The woman made it apparent she wanted nothing to do with me. Her husband stood there trying to get her to see she was wrong for blaming me like she did. She stomped off. He stood there shaking his head in disbelief. The situation was icky and not easily resolved I left it to simmer with her. It heightened my awareness to the pushy rude customer that refuses to see the entire dynamic working around them in public places. I didn't get enough information because I was talking to another customer trying to figure out what she needed. I thought I was answering a complete question. I did notice the woman had redness around her eye at first it looked like she was punched. But it was a birthmark. Did she feel entitled to interrupt my conversation. From what I saw she was with a man that cared about her enough to correct her. She refused to listen. Maybe they talked on the ride home.
Later a woman came in she was very obviously stealing. California law protects that behavior so I'm unable to state the obvious. She went to leave and asked about returning an item without a receipt. I said that particular item had to have a receipt to return. She said " Your other store does it, maybe it's because it's Hemet." She laughed. I'm not sure but I think she was meaning Hemet is lowly. Unlike high class Temecula. So she brings her non service dog shopping and thinks that and her kleptomania gives her a high social status.
Yesterday at work I'm helping a customer a woman interrupts and asks a half sentence question. I think i understood and pointed her toward the product. A few minutes later she is back grumbling to her husband that I didn't send her in the right direction. I heard him said "but that is what you asked for." I tired to say I misunderstood what you wanted. The woman made it apparent she wanted nothing to do with me. Her husband stood there trying to get her to see she was wrong for blaming me like she did. She stomped off. He stood there shaking his head in disbelief. The situation was icky and not easily resolved I left it to simmer with her. It heightened my awareness to the pushy rude customer that refuses to see the entire dynamic working around them in public places. I didn't get enough information because I was talking to another customer trying to figure out what she needed. I thought I was answering a complete question. I did notice the woman had redness around her eye at first it looked like she was punched. But it was a birthmark. Did she feel entitled to interrupt my conversation. From what I saw she was with a man that cared about her enough to correct her. She refused to listen. Maybe they talked on the ride home.
Later a woman came in she was very obviously stealing. California law protects that behavior so I'm unable to state the obvious. She went to leave and asked about returning an item without a receipt. I said that particular item had to have a receipt to return. She said " Your other store does it, maybe it's because it's Hemet." She laughed. I'm not sure but I think she was meaning Hemet is lowly. Unlike high class Temecula. So she brings her non service dog shopping and thinks that and her kleptomania gives her a high social status.
Yesterday the drive home
I persevered in the face if adversity. The wind was tossing all sorts of obstacles in my path. The dust was thick like fog. The tumbleweeds jumped the fences and rolled undecisive back and forth in the lanes like hesitant pedestrians. Some were smashed into crumbs and blown around. The traffic zoomed past me like there was perfect visibility. It made me wonder if I was just imagining it all. I remember how most drivers in Califorina are brain dead zombies so they don't react to hazardous driving conditions because it makes no difference to their well being.
Woman falls in love.
Like finding a needle in a well lit store the stuff dreams are made of.
Yesterday at work a girl that just happen to look like a junky came to the register and put a hypodermic needle down on the counter. She said "I found this on one of the aisles you should confiscate it." Aside from the obvious lie that she found it in the store she mumbled something about not having the correct wallet. The other one had the money in it. What are the chances of going shopping with an empty wallet and finding a needle inside a store. It seemed odd last night as the scenario unfolded but my guard was up because her and the guy she was with looked deranged. However I fear this sort of encounter will become common place. Retailers will be required to except IOU's and provide needle disposal canisters for customers living in alternate realities. The people who believe anything they say becomes potentially true. Just believe in yourself. Dream big and all that sort if fluff. Her use of the word confiscate was her attempt at a confession but not a cry for help. A subtle gesture lost on me and the shocked customers she butted in front of to plead her case. We wanted her to leave. Go away. Take her fantasies and get out. Did she want to be normal? I saw no glimner of hope or human qualities. There isn't a rope long enough to save her from the hole she had dug. She was going to have to climb to reach what was provided. I didn't see any will to live in either of them. He said she was his wife. That is what made her come to the front. She didn't trust him so she started trying to cover her ass by turning over the needle. Whatever direction they were headed was trouble.
I didn't say anything because she looked like she was barely coping with reality and ready to come loose at the seams. To the people that think drugs are wonderful and harmless forms of entertainment: Please come and gather up your lost children they need you now more than ever. They've worn out their welcome.
The police came a picked up the needle to dispose of it properly. The couple wandered off into a chilly head trip of a long cold night.
I felt as if I spoke to devil living inside those two. Sometimes it is the girl and sometimes it is the guy that has the stronger influence. Most definanetly the guy was calling all the shots.
I didn't say anything because she looked like she was barely coping with reality and ready to come loose at the seams. To the people that think drugs are wonderful and harmless forms of entertainment: Please come and gather up your lost children they need you now more than ever. They've worn out their welcome.
The police came a picked up the needle to dispose of it properly. The couple wandered off into a chilly head trip of a long cold night.
I felt as if I spoke to devil living inside those two. Sometimes it is the girl and sometimes it is the guy that has the stronger influence. Most definanetly the guy was calling all the shots.
Is the Pope shaking the dust from his feet? Is the Pope done offering up the other cheek?
Pope Francis: No religious or human justification for Paris attacks
Pope Francis said the attacks in Paris are "not human.” He said this is "hard to understand” and "a piece” of the "piecemeal Third World War.”




most of the trip was a running joke about my paranoia. (everyone's a serial killer) it was funny how the same car that turned on to the road behind us on the way in was on the road in front of us as we drove out. they didn't go to the caverns. a strange coincedence perhaps. coordinated security? i dunno know
on the ride up the elevator the guide stopped the elevator and opened the door to reveal a metal stair/ladder in case of emergency i thought that was interesting.
What was that song?
I could hear the music but couldn't remember the lyrics to look it up. I know it wasn't Bad Company Ready for Love but that's all i can hear in my head now.
Life without a penis
Along route 62 (parker to hwy 10)people used rocks to write their names along the railroad tracks. Someone made a penis.
What was considered crafty in 1970
I can't remember which was more popular the philodendron, or the spider plant in the macrsme plant hanger?
I don't kniw if anyone ever officially won an award for the longest philodendron. I do remember magazines encouraging readers to drape the long tendrils onto window sills. Coax them up walls using nails or hooks. Where they would continue to spread.
I do think it was the spider plant that was mostly foynd in macrame plant hangers, occasionally a fern. Perhaps the house plants were regional.
Oh yeah and popsicle stick and yarn god's eye.
I don't kniw if anyone ever officially won an award for the longest philodendron. I do remember magazines encouraging readers to drape the long tendrils onto window sills. Coax them up walls using nails or hooks. Where they would continue to spread.
I do think it was the spider plant that was mostly foynd in macrame plant hangers, occasionally a fern. Perhaps the house plants were regional.
Oh yeah and popsicle stick and yarn god's eye.
Ass gaskets are not toilet paper
How do people know what a public toilet is, but not know the following:
How to flush a toilet
How to aim so poop and pee go inside the toilet
The difference between toilet paper and seat liners
Sanitary napkin disposal can is not poopy paper you wiped your behind with.
The worst part about knowing this information is having to open the bathroom and knowing what type of horrid toilet habits seemingly ordinary people have.
Honestly I'm surprised more people don't just eliminate in parking lots whenever the need arises.
How to flush a toilet
How to aim so poop and pee go inside the toilet
The difference between toilet paper and seat liners
Sanitary napkin disposal can is not poopy paper you wiped your behind with.
The worst part about knowing this information is having to open the bathroom and knowing what type of horrid toilet habits seemingly ordinary people have.
Honestly I'm surprised more people don't just eliminate in parking lots whenever the need arises.
Impatience and mental illness.
Most people wait patiently. The mentally unstable can't wait patiently. I've been noticing more and more the issues that arise around this common mental illness symptom.
Mineral Rights Overlord will ring you out
I watered my potted plants this morning. They are succulents. Anyhow I usually fill a watering can. But instead I turned the water on low and watered from the hose. It was maybe 45 seconds later a water district trucks pulls up in front of my house parks and the guy gets out. I'm thinking holy crapski the State is taking this drought nonsense to a martial law shoot on sight extreme. I asked to be forgiven of my sins and waited for the inevitable headshot. That never came. I looked over to see what was taking him so long. Figuring maybe he was instead loading a tranq dart so I could be taken alive to be tortured and made a public spectacle of by lunatics in charge. The irony was his 10 gallon orange igloo water dispenser had slipped out of the bungee chord holding it in place in the back of his truck. My prayers of forgiveness became prayers of rejoicing at the realization the world hadn't gone fully mad.
Feeling relieved I wondered just how bad this could get if the pseudo intellectuals got their way. The human body is approximately 9 gallons of water. Do those mineral rights belong to the State? In the future will the lawmakers become so desperate they will tax us for using that 9 gallons of water? As a society are we moving in a new direction or will history repeat itself?
Feeling relieved I wondered just how bad this could get if the pseudo intellectuals got their way. The human body is approximately 9 gallons of water. Do those mineral rights belong to the State? In the future will the lawmakers become so desperate they will tax us for using that 9 gallons of water? As a society are we moving in a new direction or will history repeat itself?
Modern wilderness
Nursing and teaching are the favored profession choices of people with deep psychological imbalances. I have encountered far too many over the past 3 years for it to be a coincidence.
For those of you who can afford to live outside the real world I'm sure this is shocking to your delicate senses. Avert your eyes so you aren't scandalized by the true nature of feral rabid humans that wander in the wilderness of modern society.
For those of you who can afford to live outside the real world I'm sure this is shocking to your delicate senses. Avert your eyes so you aren't scandalized by the true nature of feral rabid humans that wander in the wilderness of modern society.
Stater Bros Grand Opening
Today is the grand opening for Stater Bros in Hemet. Formerly Von's, the building was renovated. I'm to be able to shop at a brand new store, but not today it'll be too chaotic and aggravating since the grand opening coincides with the beginning of their Wednesday sales ad. Anyhow woohoo Hemet gets a new store and it's not a WalMart. Thank you Jesus.
man hating grandma spoils child
At work a few days back a small boy showed me a toy and said this is mine. He was shopping with his grandma, aunt, mom, and sister. Which i determined grom the conversation taking place vetween the group as they went through the check out. Grandma stood by him as he spoke matter of factly. She knew he removed it from that packaging and hadn't paid for it. She didn't correct him, she let him keep it. A reward for doing things her way. That is evil for her to allow that child to be fooled into thinking his behavior is good, decent, and correct. The state of California protects the rights of criminally minded people not only can they steal they can sue if caught.
Don't know if this is an actual word or an Internet creation. I don't feel like looking in the big dusty dictionary right now. I'll check in it later.
Who hates ya baby?
Why do people abhor retailers? I read a facebook post about how retailers force the celebration of holidays on people. Dictate the duration and timing of holiday peeks. All being orchestrated by a demonic force. Retailers become the focal point of social rage. The reality is plain to see but the subversive message is captivating. It is common to see a news video of a retail clerk being assaulted. The towns people don't riot for justice when it comes to the woos of a sales clerk.
All of the ridiculous comments I see on the internet are people who don't work with the public. Their lack of real world experience has left them socially retarded. Caused by breathing too deeply the fumes emitted by idealistic thoughts.
All of the ridiculous comments I see on the internet are people who don't work with the public. Their lack of real world experience has left them socially retarded. Caused by breathing too deeply the fumes emitted by idealistic thoughts.
Halloween party.
One of the neighbors had a halloween party. I was leaving to go to work. I had to drive by the party house to get to the highway. A group of people gathered in the roadm. Basically blocking the way. Most of them moved slowly out of the way. The few who remained standing near the line of parked cars maybe didn't realize they were on a road. I asked are you drunk? One said 'yeah want join us'? I answered "My body is a temple of the lord." They were silent. Finally one of them laughed. I said "Be safe" and drove away.
The costume choices. Most were wearing non-descript attire people generally wear to look fancy. The stand out getups I saw 2 Officer Dangles, one Captain Stubing, and one St. Pauli girl. Hope fully everyone arrived home safely.
The costume choices. Most were wearing non-descript attire people generally wear to look fancy. The stand out getups I saw 2 Officer Dangles, one Captain Stubing, and one St. Pauli girl. Hope fully everyone arrived home safely.