
Happiest Tree in the World

Every year around December some delightful group of people decorate a tree along the Hwy.   Many of the decoration look like they are handmade.  It is a bright spot on the drive home, and reminds me the town hasn't completely gone to seed.



Acetaminophen will turn snakes into frogs

Operation Dead-Mouse Drop

...dead mice were pumped full of acetaminophen...The hope is that the snakes,  will be drawn to the toxic rodents, eat them, and then croak.



Meaningful conversations on the internet

Does everyone long for meaningful conversations?
On the internet? Meaningful conversations?
It's real life everyone is trying to capture then upload to YouTube.
For meaningful conversations, about reel life on the internet.

A day of reality would destroy everything




Please. Help! Out of Work & Family's Hungry God Bless

Panhandling 101 
  • Write your sign like a newspaper headline.  
  • Discard the sign when you've met your quota they'll think you were raptured.

bloomin' hard

black locust flower 
chrysanthemum stone