
The buzzwords: crime, poverty

This video doesn't clarify anything about what's happening in Guatemala, El Salvador, or Honduras.   Things just don't add up. Poverty? someone needs to explain how people are able to raise $9000.00.

Crime? It sounds like all the crime is surrounding the business of smuggling people into the USA.  

The buzz words relocation, re-education. 

Will the retelling of history about this relocation of large amounts of people, with large amounts of money changing hands, again be blamed on evil white people?

KQED NEWSROOM: Unaccompanied Child Migrants, Gov. Brown's Appointees, New Species at Cal Academy

Nine Thousand

When taking the global temperature:

Which life form is the global thermostat attempting to accomodate?
Where do we put the thermometer?


Psst California it's not a drought it's the desert.


 noun \ˈdrat\ 
a prolonged or chronic shortage or lack of something expected or desired

The amount of water that passes through a water meter is calculated.  The amount of water that passes through the drainage system can be calculated.  The amount of water that soaks into the ground, and the amount of water that is evaporated into the air can be statistically measured.  My understanding of science is there is no more or no less water within the planet earth system.  The amount of water here is constant in a combination of it's three forms liquid, gas, solid.  Unless someone has come up with a way to permanently prevent hydrogen and oxygen atoms from combining, I don't understand the issue. Just because the Government incorporates a city, puts in greenbelts and irrigation it can't change a leeward plot of land to a windward plot of land with a zone designation through the planning commission.  However the Government can make laws that punish you for using too much water, and not enough water.  As if civilization rests on the balance of every citizen using their prescribed daily ration of water.  In the future there will be a meter put on your drain to make sure you are sending water back to the facility, or you pay a fine for allowing it to percolate into the soil.  I don't know of any private citizens that can build a high density house development without an approval of a Government agency.  How does this issue become a shared dilemma when the Government is in entire control of where building is allowed. Oh wait I'm not being entirely fair there is a public platform where the public can speak for 3 precisely timed minutes.

California's new motto "Stop thinking we will do that for you."


The Mothership landed

The Mother ship landed and accidentally knocked over a Power pole on Santa Fe st.  They left a business card with a Geico insurance agent phone number.  A spokesperson for the City said the phone went straight to voicemail.  The City is waiting for a return call from the reptilian agent.


More news that doesn't add up to a complete story

Coyotes charge US$9,000 I heard this number on the TV news.  So how do impoverished people raise $9,000.00 US dollars?


How did the humanitarian crisis in Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, become a racist issue?

In Guatemala over 50% of the population is Catholic
In Honduras 97% of the population is Catholic
In El Salvador the Catholic church seems to be losing followers

I was born Catholic, I still consider myself Catholic.  For as long as I can remember the Catholic Church has always asked it's parishioners for money, and other charitable donations for other Nations.  The humanitarian crisis is born and thrives within Catholic dominated countries, but when it crosses into the United States of America is becomes a racist firebrand.  I don't think this is a productive, or reasonable summation of the issue.  Last month Pope Francis excommunicated Italian mobsters.  Here is a good example of making a spectacle out of something to make a point to others watching.  Mostly a symbolic gesture, since public hanging, burning at the stake, or drawing and quartering a human nowadays is viewed as barbaric, and inhumane.  Besides the fact a Catholic can always find a church they can receive the Eucharist. (you can't catch me nanny nanny nanny)

It is important to keep the topic clear without mixing up issues.  The Catholic church needs to honestly evaluate this situation.  The Catholic church needs to claim this crisis as their own.  Stop allowing good, hard working, Americans from having to take the brunt of a crisis that is completely a Catholic crisis.  A spiritual crisis.

Where in the Body of Christ are we allowed to shift blame?

Being female on planet earth in 2014

Two different sexual assault stories. Both have the same theme.  A woman is sexually assaulted in a public place.  One inside a business, one across the street from the Police station.  The Hemet case hasn't revealed a description of the suspect, which is disturbing given the high number of sex offenders living in the valley.  
 It seems sexual assault is like earning a badge of courage.  Especially when it is a brazen attack, as if the audience is important.  In other words these type of attacks are giving the impression that society is okay with watching women being sexually assaulted, thus becoming a New World rite of passage.  It would seem in the mind of the attacker they had nothing to hide, or be ashamed about because the thinking is, it's expected.  The world is becoming unfamiliar to me.
Virginia: Police arrest Alexandria man accused of sexual assault at drugstore

HEMET: Sexual assault reported near library


Catholic Church encourages illegal immigration after losses from molestation scandal


The illegal aliens represent exactly what the Catholic Church needs right now...largely uneducated and devoted worshipers with jobs. The illegal aliens will be all-too happy to place their children in Catholic schools (largely funded by school vouchers). If Congress ever grants amnesty to all illegal immigrants, they will fill the now-darkened parishes throughout the U.S. Most of these people speak very little English and most lack even an elementary school education, they are much more likely to keep their mouths shut once the priests begin to have their way with their children. The shell game of shifting molesting priests around will begin again and the faithful will continue to fork-over ten percent of their wages to the church.

In the 1940’s, the Catholic Church helped Nazis escape prosecution to begin new lives in South America. At least from the 1960’s to the present, the church chose to protect child-molesting priests over innocent children. Now, to save itself, that same Catholic Church is encouraging an illegal invasion of this country...Is it any wonder that this church has become irrelevant to most Americans?

Stephen King told 100 buses with women and children from South America headed to his Estate...

Catholic memories

Sheriff Tom Dart on reforming Cook County Jail

This interview reminds me of a strain within Catholic ideology.  
That loathes poverty.  
Loves to shame people.  
Utilize guilt trips to teach life lessons. 
This video brought back memories that are accompanied by the feeling of nausea.
The attention focused on the Catholic church never gets beyond any of the safe conversations. 
I know I'm not saying anything definitive here, I just have lots of memories with no place to go. 

SE corner of Florida and Sanderson Hemet Calif.

I'm sitting at a red light and notice a car pull into a drive-thru of a restaurant that hasn't opened yet.  There's a large banner strung across the entryway of the drive-thru.   
Opening Soon

See banner in red circle

There is another location on San Jacinto st.  It's gross.  
Eat here at your own risk.  

Plus this building is on a demon portal, I'm not at all surprised this particular business name expanded here.


When people say California Conscience this is what they mean:

Beer or Bus Fare?
Hold on a minute,  raising money for a school fundraiser in the middle of Summer?  An 8 year old child working in California. (but, but) I thought there were labor laws against children working.  It's probably for their glorified panhandling class.  They have to raise enough money to buy Sterno and tube socks for a class project.  Thankfully this woman came along to shed some light on the deterioration of the public education system in California.  She will end up being a hero some day.

(XY2(XX)(XY)  ≠  baby formula

Okay so they were caught stealing.  This group should at least get an award from the City of Glendale for waiting around until police arrived.

From criminals who acknowledge they are playing a game 
and as a result don't take themselves too seriously.


Back when Hemet knew the city was in the desert, houses in the valley had rock lawns sprayed green

California couple conserving water amid drought could face fine for brown lawn



(Reuters) - A Southern California couple who scaled back watering their lawn amid the state's drought received a warning from the suburb where they live that they might be fined for creating an eyesore - despite emergency statewide orders to conserve.

...warning they had 60 days to green up their partially brown lawn or pay a fine ranging from $100 to $500.


Hemet is Hemet

Before I began typing I intertwined my fingers like I was going to play 'here's the church here's the steeple'.  I straightened my arms at a 90 degree angle from my chest and turned my palms away from my face.  I thought it would crack my knuckles.  Now I realize that is a theatrical demonstration.  So next I tried to push my fist into the opposite palm to get myself psyched for the challenge.  I managed to crack my pointing finger.  I then pulled each finger individually and got one of my middle fingers to pop.  This is turning into a silly introduction for a couple of pictures.  Anyway I'll get back to the task at hand, now that I've gone through a pointless ritual.

A few days ago I snapped pictures of the new Tractor Supply Co. building in Hemet.  Hemet closed down the Hemet Fair.  Dairies have been rezoned and sold for high density residential neighborhoods.  Highway 79 is going to be realigned to move traffic quickly through the valley.  The center of Hemet is eventually going to relocate to acreage that is currently farm land.  Why, now, after all these years is Hemet getting a tractor supply store?  The standard size city lot in Hemet can be tilled with a spade shovel.  I can image people running barbwire fences around their city lots to keep their live stock wrangled.  Either I'm an ignorant American making a mountain out of a molehill, or I have just discovered what irony means.
 A contrary addition to the local economy

A farm implement on Hwy 74 toward Hemet

Muslim Sues Latino Caucus for Not Giving Her Latino Scholarship

A Muslim student with a Muslim father and Latino mother is suing the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus Foundation (ILLCF) for not giving her a scholarship...


a whole new frontier is emerging


Murrieta and Temecula are neighboring cities

California 4th Grade Mission Project: California schools will have to do away with this part of their curriculum.  California will also have to shut down the Ramona Pageant.  To pave the way for Indigenous peoples of the Americas to be given sovereign rights, along with the right to open casinos, and ancestral water rights.  California wants to rid itself of European invaders.  They will have to start by treating the indigenous people fairly and not choosing one group over another.

APARTHEID in Temecula


Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990

I'm waiting for the Federal Government to issue a notice to vacate so I can be sent adrift back to Europe. 

In the past Unions have balked at illegal immigration

Now the school unions are embracing them lovingly with a head lock.  The immigrant children are going to help save the teachers union and make sure federal dollars flow freely into the public school system.  Federal dollars for school food programs.  Federal dollars for transporting students to and from school.



"Hey Lolly Lolly"

what do Code Pink and Abourezk and Obama and govt protection have in common?
-let’s repeat, what is connected to Abourezk, is AIM’s protection and safety for their staged event in Wounded Knee 2, and the unsolved murders of Wounded Knee 2, and of the unsolved murder of Alex Odey
-Abourezk always has a comment strongly enforced by alleged lies, and he has the ear of the President of the U.S.
-the truth is hidden but in plain sight, stop looking in the direction he points to, why?
-because American born patriots who love their country can look in any direction they like, they can wake up, and they can fight, and they can win
-what was done in Indian country is now being done to Americans

Woody Guthry- Hey Lolly Lolly

People looking to repatriate to ancestral homeland

The United States of America should help citizens reverse their citizenship based on census records.  An agency should be formed to help people find housing, employment, and language classes for those who have (over generations) lost all ancestral identity.  Do the right thing give America back to the Indigenous people of the Americas.

Looking to cut travel expenses this summer? Best Deal in air travel right here: Form 1-862

Typhoid Mary knew her rights



Newly arriving immigrants are being offered indigenous rights based on American Indian treaties.

Immigrant Casinos to be built in Riverside County.
Riverside County California is the fastest growing economy in the US of A

Immigrants have the right to build Casino's in California

The California legislature has resolved the immigrant crisis.  They will allow immigrants to open casino's in California.  It's a win/win for the State of California.  Especially in Riverside County the economy is booming here.  The cascade of Federal dollars has turned this area into the land of milk and honey.


Whites Get Out! (with correct grammar)

I'm not sure why this was drawn just for the State of California 
                               It should include the entire North American continent.

Maybe this would be a better idea

"I wish I could take all those children home with me" Nancy Pelosi

In the video at 05:57 Nancy Pelosi says: "I wish I could take all those children home with me" 

Nancy Pelosi I wish you would take all those children home with you. 
Give as a live demonstration of your vision of the world.  
Show us what you are talking about, 
so we can fully realize your vision, 
your wish. 
Show them how much you care.  
Live your faith. 
Allow the world to see all the goodness you have to offer.  
It would be a wonderful gift to the world 
if you would set the example, 
create the model, 
build the foundation to heal the world,
in your home.

Welfare Mothers

Welfare Mothers
Neil Young And Crazy Horse


Elian Gonzalez makes first trip outside Cuba since return from Miami

By Patrick Oppmann, CNN
updated 6:29 PM EST, Sun December 8, 2013

Gonzalez, who also turned 20 on Friday, traveled to Quito, Ecuador, as part of a 200-member Cuban delegation to a weeklong youth conference there.


Cuba Elects Delegates to the 18th World Festival of Youth and Students

Correo electrónicoImprimirPDF
The election of Cuban delegates to the Eighteenth World Festival of Youth and Students (WFYS) that will take place in Quito, Ecuador from December 7 to 13, starts today.

The first Cuban direct delegate to the Eighteenth World Festival of Youth and Students that will take place in Quito, Ecuador from December 7 to 13, will be elected on July 24 in the Special Area of Development in Mariel, Artemisa province.

This election is a tribute to those young people that on the same date; but in 1953, left Artemisa province to attack the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Cespedes barracks.

In the same way, 30 groups of students and young people throughout Cuba will have the opportunity until September 25, to choose a direct delegate to the WFYS, to form the Cuban delegation to Ecuador.

The mass process to choose the 200 members who will raise the flags of anti-imperialist unity between people will take into account the outstanding participation of the youth.

A large number of initiatives are being planned in each municipality and province of Cuba as part of the Festival’s preparation. These initiatives generate a strong political movement that involves the commitment and participation of the new generation in specific tasks.

During the months of October and November, provincial festivals will be carried out in which the youth will bring up the topics they would like to see treated in this world meeting.

The Festival, which will pay tribute to Bolivarian leader Hugo Chávez, Ecuadorian National Hero, Eloy Alfaro, and Kwame Nkrumah, from Ghana and one of the leaders of African independence, has the following motto: Youth united against imperialism, for a world of peace, solidarity and social transformations.

Translated by ESTI

18th World Festival of Youth & Students

The largest minority?

How large can a minority group get before they no longer are called a minority?

The Presumed Alliance with Author Nicholas Vaca:
NICHOLAS VACA: Well, I think actually you had this conflict going on even in the ’60s and the’ 70s, though in a subdued basis. What has happened, I think, is largely the Latino population explosion. I was really piqued to do the research and write this book because of the 2000 census, which predicted that Latinos would outnumber African Americans by the year 2005. In fact, in 2003 that came to be the fact.


Dust devil

Presbyterians divest holdings to pressure Israel


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted to divest its holdings in three companies — Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions — that it says supply equipment used by Israel in the occupation of Palestinian territory.

 The moderator of the Presbyterian general assembly, Heath Rada, said that the bulldozers that Caterpillar makes for Israel are "not like anything we see in" the U.S. They are designed "to be destructive."
 Caterpillar has said it does not sell equipment to Israel, just to the U.S. government.


Holy Soul

Kate Middleton royal baby portrait

I found this image today.  It's Kate Middleton as an icon.
The artist made her feet look like 'Barbie' doll feet.  see image below


 I had to find my old dolls to see if I remembered correctly, yep they have "holey soles".  Such a clever artist if that was his intent.

Here is a 21st Century doll
an American Queen

The perfect movie if you hate white men.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a rid the world of whitey story.  It attempts to create sympathy for white males, but does it in a perverse twisted manner for the enjoyment of those that hate whites.
It presents the idea a world without white men means everyone can finally live freely and in peace forever.

This scene shows typical white heterosexual male behaviour.  

thorn apple
Vintery, mintery, cutery, corn,
Apple seed and apple thorn;
Wire, briar, limber lock,
Three geese in a flock.
One flew east,
And one flew west,
And one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

County of Riverside dance cue card

Signs further up the road:
Twist, Hustle, Time Warp, and Do-si-do

Raku fired gnome


James Lincoln Collier

Racism is voting.  Registering to vote indicates you are racist, not only does it allow you to choose who you want to win, it also allows you to sit on a jury where you can let your racist views be known.  Oh and you get to elect judges too.  Racism allows you to elect people who will further your agenda.  Electing lawmakers and contacting them with your personal opinion means you are racist.  Contacting lawmakers you didn't elect makes makes you a racist because you are a person who votes.

Look up race in the dictionary:
race rās noun a mark left on a paper when voting
racist rac·ist rāsist noun a person who votes
racism rac·ism rāˌsizəm verb the act of voting

Church parade past Mafia home a challenge to pope


In apparent defiance of Pope Francis, a church procession detoured from its route through a southern Italian town to honor a convicted mobster under house arrest.

Francis Cartoon 9

'Apparently, the locals have over 40 different words for snow!' by Goddard, Clive


Ornamental bushes, and trees planted for humans to enjoy and vice versa

I took this picture hoping to find the name of this bush.  I liked the perfectly positioned hubcap with the same V shape as the bush leaves.

This palm tree looks like it has bunny ears.  

A Tree Grows in Hemet, no I never read the book, and palm trees technically are a grass.  This palm frond looks like Cthulhu's tentacles come to devour the citizens of Hemet.  
Occasionally you see a shoe, or a clothing item in a parking lot.  This is all the evidence I need to jump to a conclusion. 


Our Lady of Hollywood


Animal cruelty in California

What we are witnessing in Ceres is nothing more than an extension of ethical practices from Mexico, which we regard as cruelty to animals. Where I live, some of the horses that participate in the races are worked in the abandoned field across the street. The horses are raced over squirrel hole infested, cut out trails with little regard for protection, risking broken legs and joint injuries; but, it only begins here. Throughout the neighborhood, there is cox-fighting, dog fighting, drug dealing and Mexican rodeo, where mares and steers are chased and heeled (roping the back legs and tripping) providing hours of entertainment for a lot of Mexican nationals.

A lot of these horse races are run by Mexicans in California. A large portion are illegals living in this sanctuary state which helped the governor get elected with illegal votes. You won’t get any help from Moonbeam. What is being done is exactly what happens in Mexico which is well known for their cruelty to horses. The same for the so-called dancing horses that they love to show off in parades. In order to train these horses they are beaten into producing the constantly moving gait to appear to be dancing. A lot of these horses are destroyed mentally because they can’t stop the so-called dancing because they are afraid being beaten severally. One woman bought one of these horses and that is what she said, it constantly hopped from one foot to the other. I didn’t see anymore information about this horse.

I was the producer on that particular story. The link went away because it was still being edited. It was published as the story aired, right after our super bowl coverage. There was no pressure to remove it, simply typical web publishing changes to the copy.
If you would like to see the piece, take a look at our link: